Management Systems Policy

With the movement of essential principle to become a worldwide company which the employees are proud to work; Ekinciler Demir ve Çelik San. which produces and services iron and steel products that can be used safely in various fields in accordance with the relevant standards for use in nuclear structures and mega projects, with aiming to gain effective structure and continually improving to integrated management system by evaluating risks and opportunities  which is composed of quality, environment, occupational health and safety and information security management system In every stage of the production, while developing its competitive position in the market.

With this aim, we subscribe to;

  • Comply with all relevant national and regional legal regulations and other requirements,
  • Become “safety and occupational health” as a first priority,
  • Prevent environmental accidents, occupational accidents and occupational disease,
  • Prevent all kinds of environmental pollutions from the point source and producing environmental friendly,
  • Use natural sources most efficiently,
  • To follow the relevant standards and legistative requirements in steel production for Nuclear buildings and Mega projects,
  • Obey to all national / regional requirements and the other requirements,
  • Train all of our employees and interested parties, improve awareness of their responsibility and provide their participation into the system,
  • Institution, customer, supplier and employee information are kept of where all of this information and information assets confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of rights protection,
  • Risk management of information assets ensuring uninterrupted availability of services,
  • Fulfil all our customer' requirements and meet related standard requirements continuously,
  • Continually improve and continual improvement with goal management,
  • The monitoring and the review of the interested parties requirements and expectations,
  • Cutting down costs, increase quality and increase production by eveluating risks and opportunities in all aspects of process,

General Manager
