In Turkey, the private sector saw a rapid growth in the 1950’s and sustained its growth at a faster pace in the 1960’s, the decade when the first seeds of Ekinciler Group were planted. Ali Ekinci (1926-1988), a former tradesman, realized the importance of iron and steel industry for the national development efforts and he decided to lay his hands on the industrial production.
When Orhan Ekinci (1945-1989) became the president, the group made a huge leap forward. Following Ali Ekinci’s footsteps, Orhan Ekinci led the company to the route of rapid growth.
In 1970’s, the group built a rolling mill in Karabük. Foreign trade and international transportation operations were also started in the same decade. Following this rapid growth, Ekinciler Holding was incorporated in 1986.
Ekinciler Holding focused mainly on exporting goods in the 80’s. Ekdemir Iron and Steel Plant was established in İskenderun in this decade. Financial services, sea and land transportation, and construction works were the main business activities in the 1990’s.
The 90’s were the decade when Ekinciler Holding adopted and started practicing the total quality approach. A general reorganization effort started following this initiative.
In our globalized world, Ekinciler Holding proficiently keeps up with the tough competition, managing its growth without losing its focus on quality, adding value to society and contributing to the national economy. A leader in construction and contract services, maritime industry, investment and securities, stock brokerage, and iron and steel sector, Ekinciler Holding runs toward a better future with steady strides, leaning on and improving the heritage of its founders.