
Eksismik®, publicly known as “earthquake steel” is designed and developed exclusively by Ekinciler Iron and Steel Industries, Inc. The product withstands major earthquakes and prevents buildings from collapsing. The company, the sole holder of the product’s patent, enjoys the pride of accomplishing its social responsibility goals.

Eksismik is the most reliable and the only patented construction steel produced in Turkey.


  • Flexibility
  • High-tensile
  • Weldable
  • Easy to shape
  • Extremely resistant to corrosion

What is Earthquake Proof Reinforcing Bar?

Ordinary reinforcing bars are fragile in an earthquake, causing the collapse of the buildings. Earthquake Proof Reinforcing Bar, however, acts flexibly during an earthquake and protects buildings. When an extremely powerful earthquake hits, it delays the collapse and people in the building gains time to to escape out of the building safely.